
About me

As a full-time student and lifelong lover of gorgeous food I have had some struggles with my food allergies. As I played around with some of my favorite dishes to make them Hannah-proof, I received more and more requests to share my recipes. So, here I am.

I'm allergic to dairy, pork, egg, peanut, sesame seeds and seafood, as well as strawberries, citrus fruit (except oranges), tropical fruit (yup, thats banana, kiwi, mango, coconut, all that yummieness..) and refined sugar. I have phases in which I cheat on the sugar, though. Also, I might have a little bit of egg in my not yet totally Hannah-proofed recipes. When I have a dairy craving I might give in to some goat yogurt or cheese, as that's easier for me to digest then other dairy products.

As I live alone but often cook for a couple of meals at a time or for groups, my recipes will be varying in quantity. I love the kind of meal that satisfies, comes in huge portions and is overall awesome. I am absolutely not afraid of fat, or calories, so if you're looking for low-fat stuff, I'm sorry. I think I have about 3 recipes that don't use added fats, for the days I cannot see the stuff anymore, but that's it. Because of my allergy to refined sugar I also don't react well to high-carb stuff, and I find that when I up the fat content of my meals, my blood sugar does a happy dance instead of a sugar-crazed dance. Yay!

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